Saturday, March 1, 2008


Good riddin's!! Hello March! Spring training, St. Patrick's day, Easter, all good things. All associated with my favorite color GREEN! And this means soon we will be mowing instead of shoveling. Bring it on!!! We are ready !(well, sort of) but we will be ready soon! Right now we have to dig out from the latest winter blast. It's Jeff's fault, he keeps taking the plow off the truck, and every time it snows!!!! Go figure. JEFF- leave the plow on!!! Pa John stopped in yesterday to say hello. So we sat around and watched the snow and just shook our heads.
Get the cards out Deb!!! Too early for a beer Deb? The light at the end of tunnel is in sight. Just head towards the light Deb! 35 more days until the Chili open!!! Maybe I will get some sleep in from now till then. Coffee is ready. Have a great weekend. Think warm thoughts!