Sunday, October 18, 2009


The last event of the year! The Pig Roast was a success. The weather was a bit nippy and drizzly, but the sun managed to peek through a couple of times. And of course, as soon as we were done, the sun stayed out. Oh well! Uncle Harry and Tommy did a great job on the pig as usual. Linda, Sarah and Therese handled all the rest with their usual efficiency. Thanks girls, Love you all!!
The week ahead looks great. Sunny and 60's. Don't put those clubs away!! Plenty of pars and birdes out there to be had. ( I know I left a bunch out there!) OY! I gotta get out there and practice! Not today though. I'm a little tired. The Buffaloians are in town. Always a good time!
But I pay for it. Oh well.
Not too many golfers out this morning. Gary and Ken and 10 of the 5-5-5. Looks nice out, but still a chill in the air. Maybe this afternoon things will pick up.
Not much else to report. Judi is vacuuming, Jake is pacing around looking for leftovers (I bet I know where he can get some. " where is that tall brunette chick?").
All is right in Richfield. Have a great Sunday!