Friday, April 12, 2013

Sad Day.....

Many of you have had the pleasure of meeting my dear friends Marc and Kim from the east that make the quarterly pilgrimage to St. Bernard for a visit. With them each time has been their loyal companion Uncle Mahoney (as we call him).  Mahoney has gone on to join my Michelob and many other of Gods wonderful creatures who have blessed us with their unconditional love and understanding.  He lived a long and joyful life after being adopted by the buffalonians from the local shelter.  Though having a slight imperfection, Kimmer and Marc looked past that, and found a true friend who brought joy for many years to them, their children and grand children.
Mahoney filled a void in heart after my Michelob passed and before my Jake came into my life.
For this I will always be grateful.

"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be measured by the way its animals are treated"