Saturday, July 16, 2011

Only 8 left.......

A little bird told me the other day that there are only 8 weekends left in the summer!? How can that be? We are just now getting caught up from the wrath of the wild spring weather, followed up by the crazy June thunderstorms. Mother nature sure is putting us to the test this year.
But Jeff has dug in with both heals and faced her head on..........Rock on Jeff! You and the crew have done a fantastic job. Keep up the good work.
Ribs were on the menu for the Friday night couples league last night...they had a great turn out, and the weather cooperated. Usually poor John is standing over the grill dodging rain drops and lighting while browning and saucing up the baby backs...Oy! Good job my friend, I see the left overs in the fridge. Breakfast of champions!
Speaking of Friday night, my friend Sarah Y. worked her last night here. She has accepted a teaching position and is moving to FLA. I will miss you girlfriend. Best of luck. I know you will have great success and happiness.
With Sarah moving on, we have a new addition to the St. Bernard Family. Tammy will be working with the Friday night couples. Welcome Tammy. Just jump in with both feet and hang'll fit right in.
The next couple of weeks look to be busy. A couple of outings, club events and league play. Starting first with the Senior Open on Wednesday. Good turn out this month...almost 40!
A big thanks to Ralph M. and Judy W. for their efforts promoting the event and their help organizing the games. You're the best! It should be a fun day.
After that is the next weekend event, the PGA bash. Saturday the 23rd. I'm still working on the details in my head (I know...scary thought huh?) but rest assured I will come up with something.
We will have some fun!
Not much else going on here. The 5-5-5 are starting to turn. Stories of birdies missed, shots gone astray, and general banter are ringing through the club house.'s Saturday morning in Richfield!
Time for me to get back to work.
Hope you have a great weekend.
Try and make some time to get out and hit the links.