Like the game is not challenging enough!? Now were dodging leaves whipping at us like small projectiles, and wondering if the flag sticks are going to fly out of the cups like javelins. Oy!
What a round.... But we managed to get the Scramble in yesterday. Conditions were tough, but Jeff and the crew managed to get the course playable despite what mother nature dealt them. Great job are the bomb!
After we all got in and fixed our HAIR, we settled in and enjoyed the festivities. Football, Roasted pig, raffles, cards and libations.....Did we miss anything? (don't answer that!)
Uncle Harry and Tommy were challenged also with the windy conditions. It was an effort to control the temperature on the cooker and get the roast done on schedule. But they managed to handle the situation, and produce yet another wonderfully cooked meal. Linda, Judi and Therese managed the rest of the operation with their usual efficiency, sides/bar/and of course clean up! Oy! Thanks girls.....I love you! Of course Jake was not far away...(whats that smell mom?) Uncle Harry always wanted me to have children he could comes Jake. The rest is history. Mom came by for the party and of course spent her time in the kitchen helping the girls. This makes her happy, and if she's happy...were all happy. Love you mom!
Also a big thanks to Karen and Wayne for their help with the raffle/ pari-mutual, and to Diane Schuster (aka official photographer/general helper) your unconditional generosity does not go unappreciated. Thanks to ALL who participated.
One more event left ...Chili "closer".... call me for details.
That's all I got for a yet another rainy Sunday. Time to go cheer on the....Browns? wait... maybe the Bills?.... I'm jumping on somebodies band wagon. Oooops!!!
See ya soon.