Wednesday, November 5, 2008


It feels more like May. Do you believe this weather?! What a bonus. Every little bit helps!
Now that the election is over, I think we all could use some time on the links. I know I could!
I can't think of any better way to unwind and clear my mind than going out and walking 18 and enjoy the beautiful view. Jeff and the crew are still at it, clearing the leaves and getting the course ready for the winter. It looks great Jeff!! You rock! Linda has been in the last couple of days to wrap things up in the kitchen, and has made a big batch of her famous Chili. YUM!!
This is nice to have on hand over the winter for those days when we are not so smart, and head out for 18 holes in 40 degree weather. No, not us!! What's a girl to do?!
The Prime Timers are starting to roll in now. Another group of diehards. They will play until the S$#% flies. You rock guys!!
Time for me to get to work. Then hopefully get out and chase that little white ball. Hope you can do the same! See ya soon!!
Brady, Brady, Brady!!!!!