Thursday, May 2, 2019

April Showers.......

make Debbie a Gloomy Gus.  Yikes!
The rain has caused havoc for the Golfers and the Course alike.
Jeff and crew have muddled through the best they can. 
We still need to cut or things will get out of control. 
Not the start of the year I was counting on, but this too is out of my control.
So Jeff and I just try to make each other laugh and keep plugging away.
We managed to get in a couple of club events, and some of the leagues have started.
This helps, but we sure could use some sun...
for all our sakes.
So now comes May....
Many club events scheduled, and other activities are happening.
Make sure to stop in and say hey
Maybe have a libation or two
And enjoy your club.
Have a great day!
Ti Amo...

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