Wednesday, October 2, 2024

 Hello there, long time no talk..  I can only say I lost my "MOJO" for a while, but life goes on and I decided to move forward.   Joel Osteen says "the reason the rear view mirror is so small and the wind shield is so big.....look forward, not back...I love that!!!

My first thought just now is.. "wow I've forgot  how to do this!?

It has been about three years since my last! 

So much has happened since the last chili open march 28 2021

Looking back..(just for a sec)  the lose of my parents has been my sorrow and inspiration.

I am blessed.

Moving forward...My friend of 21 years Jeff Pratt course superintendent who has been there with me through all the above is retiring and moving on with his life. 

My Friend, Confident, work husband, only one who gets me, can read my mind, who gets my stupid jokes, and visa versa ..enjoy your family.. Alex, Josh, Brie and the grand babies, ..lets see if i get it right..? snowa, liberty (my favorite), benny  brick,  sorry forgot one name

I know its not goodbye, you will be around (better be!!)

So here i am again....

Starting yet a new chapter in my life. 

Lets see where it takes us.....

Sunday, March 28, 2021

Open Season

 As my niece puts it....."you cant make this shit up aunt Deb".

2020.. the year from hell...oh well...onward.

So here we are kicking off a new year (in "DOG") years that is...

The official kick off of the St. Bernard GC Season.  (weather permitting) also know as

The Chili Open.  Yes, we got it in rain, no snow, no Armageddon. .yikes

Just about a record of 56 golfers headed out on the links in search of pars birdies and eagles

in an effort to be crowned the Chili open champ. 

The weather was perfect, the course was in great shape for such an early start

(Kudos to Jeff and crew, after getting a head start thanks to the conducive weather,....

only to have it all undone by Fridays 60mph wind and rain) Oy!!!! 

But once again they pulled themselves up by the boot straps and stared all over

all day Friday to get the debris cleared out for us.

MY GUYS ROCK!!  and so do MY GIRLS...  Nikki and Theresa once again manage the clubhouse.

The Chili entries and assorted goodies where dispersed within the CDC  "GUIDELINES" and the libations where abound.

Seems as though everyone enjoyed. 

Even I managed to participate this year.  I played well if I do say so myself..."like riding a bike"

Now!!   its official

Hope to see you soon.

Happy Easter all.....

Ti Amo

Friday, February 26, 2021

What difference a day (year) makes

 Hello everyone,

Hope this post finds you all happy and healthy. The future of our world, country and community has put a strain on us all...

I know my little world here at "the Dog" has been a work in progress to find the correct fit for all to enjoy our Golf Club and keep our members and staff safe. I feel our staff has done a great job dealing with the unknown. ROCK on Jeff and Crew....Thank you Nikki and are the bombs..

Jeff and Rich ... keep on keepin on.. Kudos....

As for me...I move into an era without my beloved parents.  Mom passed in 2016 and Dad just 7 months ago on July 10th 2020.  For anyone who lost a loved one during this crazy pandemic year, you understand. oy!       I must say....If not for the LOVE of my Husband, Son, my Jeff Pratt, and the aforementioned crew   my sister in laws Phyliss, Kathi my brother in law Jim , our Niece Meredith, my Best friends.. Kim, Andrea, Sue, Jody and many many many others true friends who just happen to be members also...I'm not sure where I would be right now. I apologize if I forgot anyone right now, but rest assured you are in my heart.   

To all of you...TI AMO!!!       (that's Italian for I love you)

So we move forward to 2021

Look out world...HERE WE COME!!!! 

Monday, June 29, 2020

Hi all,
Hope all is well. 
Things are still coming along here...
Jeff and crew have the course in great shape and still rocking it...
lots of projects on the schedule.
You guys are the BEST.
This Saturday was our VEGAS Scramble.
Each player in the foursome are assigned a number
1-4, everyone tees off, the a die is rolled, what ever number is rolled is
the tee shot used....oy! and the hole is finished out as regular scramble.
Some times the dice are good and sometime bad.  Yikes!
All seemed to have fun...
Lots of libations and food were consumed and laughter was abundant.
Now we look ahead for the 4th of July weekend and our Annual 
One of my favorite...

Hope to see you soon!

Sunday, June 14, 2020

Back onTrack

Hi all,
Long time no talk.
Sorry once again for the hiatus
Golfmama has her hands full once again.
As i'm sure we all have.
Things are up and running here at "the Dog"
not totally normal..but what is?
After hosting our CHILI OPEN in JUNE!? oy...
We hosted our 2nd event of the year this weekend.
A good turn out and a good time had by all.
Pictures posted on the right...
Hope to see you all soon
Don't forget to sign up for the events
All members are welcome.
Have a great rest of the Sunday......
Ti Amo

Wednesday, December 11, 2019


Hi there,
I'm back!!!
I know it's been a very long time. I apologize. Just busy, not kind of busy to blog about.
Much has gone on, and going on at the club.
Jeff and crew have done just an amazing job as usual keeping the course in great condition and trying to finishing the many problem areas that most courses at one time or another experience.
Though poor Jeff has been dealt more than his share...oy! But one by one he works his magic and handles it.  For this I am eternally grateful to you my best friend.
I have kept busy with the usual paper parade that happens this time of year, along with cleaning up the club and winterizing the porch and club.
Jeff and Dennis have helped me tremendously as usual.
Since then I turned my attention toward our annual Open House at "the Dog".
It was a great success. Many of the members stopped in trough out the day on Thursday to say hello, enjoy a libation or two, and partook in many of my culinary creations. Many a member brought a dish to share also.  As a "Ticket price" I only asked you bring a toy for our TOYS FOR TOTS campaign.  Well I must tell you....... you all came through!!!  When I called the Richfield Fire Department to come pick up the toys ,  they were AMAZED at the amount they walked into.
Lt. Jason  even said he knew this was going to push them over the edge for the record of toys collected. 
Pat your selves on the back St. Bernard Membership...your generosity is only exceeded by the size of your hearts.  TI AMO!!!
You have made Jeff  myself and the entire staff very proud.
I promise to keep up on this blog  (don't know if you noticed, but blogs are popular now)
so in a way.. for MY generation ...I'm sort of a trend setter...Oy!!  That's scary.
But really..
We wish you ALL a very Merry Christmas, Happy Holiday and look forward to
a promising NEW year!!!

Deb Jeff and the entire Staff
Buone feste e tanti auguri

Thursday, May 2, 2019

April Showers.......

make Debbie a Gloomy Gus.  Yikes!
The rain has caused havoc for the Golfers and the Course alike.
Jeff and crew have muddled through the best they can. 
We still need to cut or things will get out of control. 
Not the start of the year I was counting on, but this too is out of my control.
So Jeff and I just try to make each other laugh and keep plugging away.
We managed to get in a couple of club events, and some of the leagues have started.
This helps, but we sure could use some sun...
for all our sakes.
So now comes May....
Many club events scheduled, and other activities are happening.
Make sure to stop in and say hey
Maybe have a libation or two
And enjoy your club.
Have a great day!
Ti Amo...

Monday, March 25, 2019


Hi All,
So here we go...Another year here at  "the dog" has officially kicked off.
This is my 21st year hosting this annual event (oy! showing my age!), and the open has been going on for years before me (maybe 10 or so)  we have welcomed many seasoned members, along with many new members to St. Bernard GC.   This year was no exception.
We hosted 40 golfers this Sunday (supposed to be Saturday, but weather...yada yada yada)
for a nine hole scramble with much better weather.  Jeff and crew (17 years) worked their magic to pick up sticks and derbies to make the course enjoyable the best one can for March in northern Ohio.
You guys  ROCKED it.
Seven chili recipes were entered....along with mine.. and we all tasted, critic and consumed, with a few libations to cleanse the palate.   Yikes!  Theresa rocked the clubhouse setting up the chili bar with all the accompaniments. My cookies, cornbread, banana bread and many other contributions from members.  Thank you, Pniewski, T. Drenski, J. Lahl, E-M Nordhauss, B. Schroeder, J. Yurman, Brad O. H. Novak, K Kerns, and everyone who participated.
You truly are the ones who keep this club going year after year.
Jeff, Myself and crew work tirelessly day after day looking forward to these events, for days like this keep us coming in each day knowing we can enjoy our labors with our friends.
This is not just a job...but a labor of Love.
For this I am grateful.

* Many prayers are in my heart for healing. starting with my Dad (ron), Gene and Judy, Jim, Frank and Wilma. I know I'm missing some, so let me know through this blog and we will post and pray.

Thank you
God Bless us all
Here's to a GREAT year for ALL!!
Ti Amo!
Be one IN a Million...not one OF a Million

Tuesday, March 12, 2019


Hi There...
I'm still here.
Life has a funny way of saying "not so fast Deb" and after that...fill in the blanks...
Anyway....I back
Tis the season
Daylight saving time...St. Patricks Day....and the sun is out.
Spring is about to be sprung...
Our annual chili open is coming up March 23rd. The official kick off the
opening season for "the Dog"!. 
Jeff is out already raking, raking, raking and raking.  Aside from the usual winter debris, we received much more from the numerous wind storms the last few weeks. So he has called in some help so we can start the season on the correct note.  I've said it before and I'll say it again, he is the best. I couldn't ask for a better friend.   Love ya buddy!!!!
Thank you to all who have made us part of your family...
Lets make this season the best ever!!!
God Bless us all...
Watch for Chili Open results...πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–

Sunday, June 24, 2018

Welcome Summer.....

It's officially summer,  although it's felt like it for a few weeks now. Crazy weather once again.
I don't know why I always sound surprised, its like this every year.  You would think i would be used to it...Oy!  The weather effects many factors at a golf course. The most obvious is play, and the other is trying to keep the course in shape.  Jeff and crew have done a superb job under trying conditions.
This is nothing new, they have always come through for us, but I would like to thank them once again for a job well done.  Rock on guys...your are the best around.  Jeff....not enough words to describe what a special person you are. Ti Amo my friend!!!!
So since my last post (a long time ago) we have had many tournaments, course improvements and many a porch patio party. Gotta love the after tournament discussion at the picnic table.  How many putts lipped out, missed it by that much..etc....
Lots of scheduled tournaments still to come
We welcome all members to participate and enjoy you membership here at "the Dog"
Watch your schedule and look for my emails.
We look forward to seeing you soon...

Monday, June 4, 2018

Hello Everyone,
Just a really quick post.
Things are starting to roll around here...Way too fast!!
We go from feast to...well you know...
Jeff and crew are scrambling to keep up, and doing a GREAT job I might add,
but the weather is just making things difficult.  Go Figure!!
Tournaments have gotten back on schedule and were having fun.
As pictures show, last was the skills challenge.
Plenty more tournaments scheduled
Watch your schedule and look for my e-mails,
Thank you for supporting YOUR club.

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Goodbye April!! Hello May!

Oy!   What month.  Not only us in the Golf Course business, but other trades and or business were effected by the inclement weather.  But, as I say...cant control the weather, so stop B@#$%^$ Deb!!
After many postponements again, we managed to get the Scramble until the green in Saturday.
It was a nice day, and everyone seemed to have a good time.
So now where back on regular schedule.  Next up is Jakes 8th annual Jamboree. 
My heart still aches for my little buddy.  I will  always keeping his memory alive here at "the Dog".
Hope you are having a good week.
See you soon.

Sunday, April 15, 2018

Slow start...

Oy...this weather!?  At this moment right now, I'm so thankful the temp is above freezing!!!
Could you imagine this being snow....Yikes!!  The forecast for yesterday was to be a carbon copy of what is happening this morning.  And of course I had the Chili Open reschedule, scheduled for Saturday..!!!   My mind started to wander, and i began to think year  might the first year in my history that we never got a Chili Open in????  CRAZY!  But we lucked out.  For some unknown reason the winds shifted and gave us 4 hour window.  So 40 of us headed out and played a nine hole scramble, came in cipher scores and chowed down on Chili and other assorted goodies GOLFMAMA prepared with love for her golf course family.  After a few libations, endless banter and general teasing we settled in to watch the skies open up and bring down the rain.
A typical day at "the Dog"
For this I am truly grateful.
Like Jeff and Nikki keep reminding me...."this is our year!"
Hope you enjoy your Sunday.
Take a nap, read a book, our do what you do.
See you soon

Friday, March 9, 2018

Hi Everyone,
Sorry once again for the hiatus.  It has been yet another trying year for Golfmama. Not to insinuate my suffering is any worse than others,  just that it is what it is.   So without dwelling on what went wrong, lets focus on what has been fixed, and what the future brings.
Let me just start by thanking many of my friends who have been by my side and not let me slip into self loathing.   I love you all....god bless.   Fixed!
I received my last inspection and or ok from the health/building and county departments for our kitchen that was destroyed in a fire back in May.  (the day before Thanksgiving!?!) but yet done. Fixed!
My friend  Kim from Buffalo  will be in this week to help me paint and put kitchen back together...
almost Fixed....
Many projects were accomplished in 2017 (and more to come in 2018)  Fixed!
And one more..... (see picture below)
Dad and I have taken a big leap of faith in ourselves, Jeff and crew, and you the membership,
and invested in newer golf carts for "the Dog".  I kinda feel like a new Mama!!
It's been "on the list",  but these things take time.  (So once paid off... oy!)  Fixed!

So now we move on to the New Season with great enthusiasm, grand hopes, big dreams,
and a appreciation of the things accomplished. 
**  All of which would not have been possible without OUR Jeff!!! **
I can't say it are truly the BEST my FRIEND!! I am blessed to have you in my life!!

We look forward to seeing you in the new year!!
Won't be long...
Chili Open....March 24th
How may days is that???❤ Ti Amo

Sunday, October 8, 2017

Where o' Where did the Summer go?!

Hi everyone. Yes....I'm still here. I know its been a long time between posts, it's either been not enough time or when I do have the time, my hearts not in it.  It has been one crazy year once again.
Many obstacles thrown our way, but we are addressing them one by one and forging forward.
It seems like the season is just getting going, and now I'm preparing for the Clambake!? After that only one more senior open, and then the Chili Closer😒.   I just don't know where the time went.
Many of you must feel the same way. I have noticed many absent faces here and wonder. I know many have expressed busy schedules with kids and grandchildren.  That's life as they say.....
the weather forecast looks great for this time of year. I hope you all can get out and enjoy a
nice fall round or two.
Miss ya all!!!

Thursday, July 6, 2017


Hi all,
I know its been a long hiatus for my posts...Just way too much going on. I know I've said that before, but really...this time its been beyond crazy.  For those of you who have not heard, we had a kitchen fire in May. I'm still dealing with the insurance company and contractors etc....Oy!
But with the help of Jeff and numerous other friends (Deb, Nikki) and many others we will get through this! In the mean time I've been limping along to make things work the best I can.
Many events have come and gone since my last post. I cant believe we are in July. Where does the time go?  So as you can see by the pictures posted, we hosted our annual Firecracker Open on Tuesday.  The weather was perfect, 32 golfers set out in search of birdies and when the round was over we sat back and enjoyed many libations and relived each missed putt, each errant shot and other missed opportunities.  All in a days work at "the Dog".
So now we move on to the next event. The Pga bash. July 15th. Hope you can think about participating.

I promise I will keep in touch more....
My thoughts are with you all.
Hope to see you soon.
Ti Amo

Sunday, March 26, 2017

Chili Open 2017

And were off.....The 2017 golf season has officially been kicked off with our season opener.
The weather was most cooperative this year. Usually its a balmy 40 degrees for the chili, but mother nature spared us the discomfort and even allowed for some to continue on for another nine holes.
We had 40 anxious golfers hit the links around noon for a 9 hole scramble. The course was a wee bit damp..oy... WET! , but me muddled through and got the job done.
Afterwords we retired to the clubhouse for Chili and libations as per usual.
Seven chili entries this year... all were good, but in the end Chili #6 was voted number one. (Jim L.)
and chili #5 came a close second.  Congrats to all who entered and all who participated.
We look forward to seeing you at the next event.
April 22nd...Scramble until the green.
Ti Amo

Monday, February 6, 2017

The Question is....

What's happening at "The Dog?"
A bit of everything.
I've been very lax on keeping up on my paper work, and clean up duties. As referred to in my last post, we were very busy with our Christmas project. A few more new needed state and governmental obligations were thrust upon us that needed tend to and were addressed.  Jeff also needed some catch up time with his duties and has managed to get things going for the upcoming season so he could get some much deserved "me time".  Enjoy my friend. To Quote Tina Turner ..You're simply the BEST!!
So I'm here tending to things, one of which is this blog. Though I've been behind in this venue also, I have thought of all you often. The winter has been another strange one. Four days freezing, Three above normal?!  This has given a few of our dedicated golfers the opportunity to head out on the links and shed some of the cob webs off their swing. It's always nice to see some smiling faces here in the middle of December and January if for only a few moments. Rock on all.

How about that Super Bowl?!  I was not so happy with the final score, but at least Atlanta made NE work for their title.  I guess I will always root for the underdog as I feel we are one also.
Very proud of "the Dog" and all that comes with it..good and bad.. do the best you can and we will prevail.  I believe that with Jeff, the crew and all of you we will continue to enjoy all that St. Bernard GC has to offer and continue to improve a little each year.  Here's to a prosperous and healthy 2017 for all.

May every wish you ever spoken come true, may all your sweet dreams go unbroken, may all your days be filled with laughter, may all your prayers be quickly answered.
Ti Amo

Friday, December 30, 2016

Happy New Year!!!!

On behalf of Jeff, myself and the entire staff of St. Bernard GC,  wishing everyone a very happy new year.  It's been yet another whirl wind year for Jeff and I, but we managed to enjoy the holiday spirit and raise money for four well deserving charities of our choice.  I posted earlier that Jeff has always wanted to sell Christmas trees at the holiday just for the experience of making families smile.
I feel honored and privileged to help make this dream happen for my friend. After finding out how much work goes into this project....Physically for Jeff and Jeff, and administratively  for me we had a awaking. But once the people started stopping in and realizing our agenda, everything fell into place. As of the aforementioned,  the joy and happiness of the families who found out they could afford a grade A tree for a reasonable price and all the proceeds were going to Charities made our Christmas even brighter.  
And so as we sit and make our cashiers checks out to our four charities
Alzheimer's awareness
Autism speaks
Fisher house
We are honored to present these funds on behalf 
St. Bernard Golf Club
Ti amo
missing some friends

Monday, December 12, 2016

Tree sales.....

Who would have thought selling Christmas trees would be so involved?! I'm here to tell ya it's not as easy as one would think.  But all in all it has been an exhilarating experience. The look on peoples faces when they find out how inexpensive the trees are, and the fact that all proceeds are going to charity is priceless.  The generosity of so many is something I will never forget.  The experience has re
newed my faith.  Jeff P and Jeff B have done most of the physical work, and had to brave the cool temps, but both agree with me. Many have benefited from this undertaking, and the goal is to repeat it next year.   Merry Christmas!!!
So in between this project we decided to hold a holiday open house at the club.  It was on short notice and basically word of mouth.  Many members stopped in to drop of their 2017 membership, have a cocktail and enjoy some snacks.  It seemed to be a success, and again hopefully we can repeat next year.   Thanks to all who pitched in to help from start to finish, and thanks to all who participated and donated to the giving tree project.  God bless us all.
Stop by for a holiday libation-a cookie or two and say hello.
 Ti Amo

Friday, November 25, 2016

Happy Thanksgiving

Hope everyone enjoyed their Turkey Day.  Mine was nice, no drama this year. Just food, wine and family as intended.  It's very difficult for me to believe that the holidays are upon us once again.  I say it every year, but this one seems to have gone by even faster. Oh well, cant change it, so deal with it.
Jeff and I are dealing with it with yet another project.... Oy!!  It"s something Jeff has wanted to do for years...and this year is it!  We are selling fresh cut Christmas trees in our parking lot....
Are we crazy, nuts daft??  Yes to all!!   No-really,  with all sincerity, we are doing this not for profit, but for charity.  All proceeds are being spread among four charities of our choice.
Alzheimer's awareness-Autism speaks-ASPCA-Fisher House (provides lodging to veterans and military families receiving treatment at military medical centers). The tress are being sold at a minimum cost as to sell as many as possible and provide more donations to our charities. We are starting tomorrow Saturday the 26th and continuing until December 18th or till trees are gone.  Even if you don't use a live tree, you can purchase a tree and we will provide it to a family who might not be able to afford a Christmas tree.  I will be providing homemade cookies, hot coco on most days, and for every giving tree purchased your name will be put in a raffle to win a 2017 Social membership to St. Bernard GC.   We are very excited about this project and are enjoying all the work that goes into such a venture.  It truly is a labor of love.
So if you're in need of some Christmas cheer....stop by, say hello and get in the spirit!
Look forward to seeing you.

Friday, November 4, 2016

Chili Closer

I'm late again...Sorry
I posted the pics, but have had no time to post.  As you can see we got our chili closer in and it was not so chilly. What a great day.  We ended up with 38 golfers who headed out in 70 plus degree weather in search of birdies and pars.  The event was scheduled for 9 holes and needless to say many went out and played another nine.  After golf we mangia'd on 6 chili entries, my sloppy Joe's, roast beef, Sheppard's pie and many cookies, and even S'mores.  As always we voted on the best dish, and Jim Y. won the best chili.  Way to go Jim...(though I suspect maybe your Deb had a hand in preparing) either way...Thanks!
The weather still looks promising for the next week, soooo I decided to call for another senior open this Wed the 9th @ noon. Why not?!  Let's keep the good times rolling....
Jeff and the crew are still here keeping up with the annual chasing of the leaves. Start on the north side, then the wind shifts and back to the south, then the west then the east....Oy!  What can ya do?
But rest assured they will get the job done and you can still enjoy a pleasurable fall round at your club. Thanks to all the crew for all their hard work all year round. You guys ROCK!
Another big thanks to all of you...the members who have continued to support your club all these years.  I have always maintained that we are not just a Golf Club, but a FAMILY.
Many of you helped me through some difficult times the last couple of years, and I will always be grateful.  I have prayed every day for many other families that are going through similar situations and other challenges life deals us. Together I think we will prevail and be stronger.
K..wishing you a quick recovery..
I leave you all with some lyrics/quotes that have inspired me. Hope you enjoy.

Like an echo down a canyon
Never coming back as clear
Lately I just judge the distance
Not the words I hear
I've been too long on these islands
I've been far too long alone
I've been too long without summer
In this winter home
Still if we can make the effort
If we take the time
Maybe we can leave this much behind
Till it shines

Bob Seger

It used to seem to me that my life ran on too fast
And I had to take it slowly just to make the good parts last
But when you're born to run it's so hard to just slow down
So don't be surprised to see me back in the bright part of town
I'll be back in the high life again
All the doors I closed one time will open up again
I'll be back in the high life again
All the eyes that watched me once, will smile and take me in
Steve Winwood

Be one IN a million- not one OF a million
Betty Fike

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Pavilion Party 2016

Welcome to the first annual Pavilion Party sponsored by Leonette Flooring company and the Bancroft brothers. (with a little bit of help from Jeff and Deb).  Mother nature gave us a beautiful day, and we took advantage.  28 of us headed out for a Scramble, took a break after nine holes and enjoyed a lunch on the turn at the pavilion.  Rich fired up hot dogs, I provided chili for those who go for chili dogs and added baked beans, potato salad, a Mexican dish, a special chicken dish for Eve, cookies, muffins and of course some Libations - pop/water. After lunch was consumed we headed out for the next nine holes. Within this round we added a yellow ball challenge. For those who don't know, each team is given a yellow ball that everyone on the team has to use the ball on a given hole and not loose it. But in our case we used a Orange ball that Jeff took the time to sharpie it to look like a pumpkin.. Yikes..Needless to say it was a struggle to find it among the fall leafs that have started to fall. Oh well..go figure.  The team that came in without loosing it was awarded. (only two came back!) Once we finished the round we came back to the club house to figure out the scores, held a 50/50 raffle and settled on the porch around the fire pit for s'mores, relived each putt and cheered the Indians onto another Victory!
All in all a good day. Big thanks to all who participated and the continued support of the many events YOUR club host for you.
Couple more events left....Senior Open..Chili Closer. Watch for details.
Thanks again
Go Tribe!!!

Sunday, October 2, 2016

ClamBake 2016

Another one on the books.....
Yesterday we hosted our annual Clambake here at "the Dog".
We put a sort of different twist this year, instead of hiring a catering company for the
bakes we decided to host it ourselves. Oy!! What a lot of work....but in the end we rocked it.
And when I say "WE"  I refer to the many people who convinced me that we could do it ourselves.
HUGE thanks to Deb H. for all her advice, schlepping,  loaning of equipment and taking care of the raffle with her nephew Andrew.  Andrew is the next up and coming Jason Day!
Keep up the good work Andy.   Deb..your the Bomb!!!
Big thanks also to Jeff B and Rich B who also Schlepped, planned and cooked the meals and help with the raffle. You guys rock!!
Of course Linda and Therse handled things in the club with their usual expertise.
Thank you girls once again.
I helped a bit, I made apple crisp for 40 from scratch. Yikes!   I never want to peel another apple for a very long time....Oy!
We also played a scramble before the bake and 24 golfers ignored the negative forecast and hit the links.  It was a beautiful day and we had a blast. The course was in terrific shape thanks to Jeff and his hard working crew.  Best Damn crew in the land!!!

Couple events left in the season. Senior opens, Pavilion party, Chili Closer.
Watch for sign up sheets in the clubhouse and watch for my e-mails.
Enjoy your day.
Go Browns!

Monday, September 5, 2016


Once again I can't understand where the time goes.  It seems as though I just got done posting for the chili open, and now here I am posting for the unofficial end of summer?!  But don't fret... still plenty of great fall golf weather is ahead.  We have numerous club events still planned.  First up is the Ryder Cup this Sunday the 11th, then member guest day, Clam bake and another party tba after that.
And dare I say it...the chili closer!  Ugg..I don't even want to think about that.
I have been lax in my post's once again for reasons beyond my control, so lets catch up.
So as you can see by the pics....we Hosted Jeff's 9TH annual football bash on the 27th of September.
The weather was great, the turn out was awesome, the food was grand and the competition was fierce.  Jeff and the crew transformed the course into the NFL mode with his various props he has amassed over the years.  Every year he manages to come up with something new. This years added twist was a card game. Each team gets two playing cards, you earn more cards with each birdie hole you have.  Best poker hand wins!  Nice.  Rock on my friend Jeff...You are the best!!!!

So here we are Labor Day Monday, laboring once again, waiting to see your smiling faces.
Its a great day for golf. Make some time to enjoy the fruits of your labor.
Why not treat yourself to a day at "the Dog".
Have a good one.

Monday, August 15, 2016

Krazy Kramer Memorial

I guess I will never understand mother nature.  I can't believe we go from NO water to Way to much in a matter of a week!?  This has been a real struggle.  Poor Jeff doesn't know which way to turn, and for that matter, nor do I.  Oy!  
The weather dampened one of my favorite events this weekend, our Annual Ben Kramer Memorial Saturday and Sunday. 
I just love competing in this event.  Members of all skill levels can compete, as the scores showed.
Really there was only a 5 stroke difference through the field.  Not Bad.
But in the end it really came down to who was the better "mudder" , as we call them.
The rain held off on Saturday for us, but Sunday was another story. 
So 30 of us sucked it up and muddled through.    And guess what....none of us melted!! Go figure.
Afterward started the ubiquitous banter.  How many putts were rimmed out, "that should have dropped!".  etc...... You get it.
We chowed down on some specials, drank some libations and watched the skies clear just in time for us to head home!? Again....Oy!  What's a girl to do?
Plan for the next event...that's what!!
So that will be my other favorite.... Jeff's 9th annual NFL BASH.  
Saturday August 27th .  Jeff works very hard on this event, and it shows. 
Lots of prizes -food-drink-big break competition- and many more surprises.
It's a blast! 
Were counting on you all to participate. Our goal is 72 golfers.  Please don''t let us down.
Hope to see you soon.
Have a great week!

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Independence Day....

Hi all.  Hope everyone enjoyed their 4th of July.
Here at "the Dog" we celebrated with our Annual Firecracker Open.
18 teams competed in this long standing tournament.  It's one of my favorite.
Though my partner Jon and I just couldn't get things rolling.
We started out birding the first hole, but after that the putts just wouldn't drop.  UGG!  So as you can see by the pictures posted, we didn't place.  Oh well, we'll get em next year!!
Once the round was over, we tallied the scores, awarded prizes then settled in and relived
each missed putt.  Always the same old thing "we should have been 2 more under! that
hole number (fill in the blank) should have dropped".  Yadda Yadda.
All in all a good day. The weather cooperated, the beer was cold, I made cookies,
Sloppy Joes and Meatloaf sliders.  No one went away hungry or thirsty.
Success once again.
Big thanks to all who participated.

Another Big thanks to Jeff and crew.
They really do have the course in excellent shape as usual.
But the lack of rain has left Jeff non-plus.
He's had to pick and choose when and what he can water.   This has been a huge challenge.
Hang in their my friend. If anyone can get it done, You can!
Oh the golf course dilemma.....  "Please no rain so we can have play, Oh please rain so we can keep the grass alive".  How about only raining at night? Is that too much to ask? Yikes!
What's a girl to do?
Same thing I've been doing for 18 plus years.... roll with it.

So that's all I've got for now.
Hope you can get out and enjoy your course.
We look forward to seeing you.

Thursday, June 23, 2016

I'm still here.....

After yet another long hiatus, Golfmama has had a chance to give some time to her blog.
Things have been hopping here (which is good) but I've had little time to sit down and collect my thoughts, let alone put them down on paper.  So as I look back, the last post was Memorial Day weekend.  Oy!! In between we hosted our annual skills Challenge, had a great weekend for the holiday, and hosted a few outings for the month.  All of which had great turn outs...and the weather cooperated for all.  Jeff and crew have the course in terrific shape despite the challenges mother nature throws at them.  Not an easy task, but I am blessed with the best crew any golf course can ask for.
For this I am truly grateful. You guys rock!!  Ti Amo, like family!!

So here we are more than half way through June....Yikes!!  Where does the time go?
So many projects on the list..just taking one by one.  Doing the best I can with what I've been dealt.
You...the Members...Have been the best any girl can hope for. So many kind words, blessings
and willing to pitch in where ever you can to make the "the Dog" one of the best golf clubs around.
I'm so proud and blessed to be surrounded by so many of you who believe in YOUR club.
Jeff, Dad and I appreciate you everyday!

Now we are headed into July.
Lots of events coming up. Senior Opens, The firecracker Open, PGA Bash and much more.
Watch your schedule, and check the website.
These events are planned for you the members.  We hope you will agree with us that the value of your St. Bernard membership, the consistent high quality of the golf experience, and the camaraderie of association with your fellow members will make your continued membership one of the best recreational investments you can make.

We look forward to seeing you soon.
Go Indians....Go Browns....!  Triple Crown?

Friday, May 27, 2016

Skills Challenge 2016

Once again mother nature pulled a mean trick on "the Dog".  Our annual skills challenge was held this Saturday the 21st and the forecast as of Tuesday was for 70 and Sunny.  Well we ended up with 60's and drizzle.   In spite of the weather we headed for 27 holes of skills and a few thrills.
All were accomplished and we had a good day.  Lot's of food, lots of laughs, lots of beer.
What more can a girl ask for?  Maybe a box of hundred's? LOL
So it seems as though the Season is finally getting started. After a mild winter, and some nice temps in April we were thinking here we go....then the month of May has other ideas....Oy!
Oh well..what can we do?!  Just roll with it i guess.
So that's what were doing.  Next up is the US open Scramble June 5th. Hope you can participate.
So.....since I started this post last weekend,  we are already upon Memorial Day weekend.
I would like to take this time to thank all past and present Military for they sacrifice to keep
this country the best in the world.  Rock are the best!!!!
Hope everyone has a great weekend filled with Friends and family, lots of BBQ or
whatever your family tradition is.  Try to sneak in a round or two and say hello to your
St. Bernard family.
See you soon
Ti Amo!!!!

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Jakes Jamboree/Memorial

After several delays and postponements, we were finally able to host our annual tribute to our little buddy Jake.  Jake has gone on to the big dog farm in the sky to be with his buddies Michelob, Uncle Mahoney, Sydney, Sirius and several other of our 4 legged friends. He still lives in our hearts, and will always be with us in spirit at "the Dog"!   LOVE YOU BUDDY!! Mom and Dad miss you everyday!
That being said,  today is Mothers day.   Hope all you mothers out there are being pampered and loved like you should. Moms are the best and deserve the best.  Rock on moms.......
This will be the first mothers day without my mom, and I'm not sure how I feel.
I'm just trying to keep busy here at the club and wish all moms a good day.
I've prepared some food and drinks specials for moms, it looks like the weather is going to cooperate.
So here's to a good day at St. Bernard....
Wishing you a wonderful day for you and all the women in your life.
Look forward to seeing you soon.

Monday, March 21, 2016

Chili Open 2016

We hosted our annual Chili Open this past Saturday the 19th.  I scheduled this event a bit early this year, because Easter weekend seems to get earlier each year.  Everything was looking good for weeks prior in the weather department. Temps were above normal for awhile, then of course the bottom falls out right before the 19th!   Uggggg  The forecast being in the 30's did kept some home instead of participating, but 27 golfers came out in search of birdies and pars, chili tasting, and of course a libation or two.  All were accomplished and the day was a success.  In the chili dept,
Jerry and Diane S.took first place for their revamped chili recipe, and Dave P. took second.
Congrats to all who partook.  It was a great start to the season.
Looking forward to the next event.   Three Club Scramble April 10th
and the First senior open April 27th.  Hope you can participate.
Wishing all a lovely Easter weekend with your family and friends.
Hope your bunny ears are large and your baskets over flow.

"The life of the dead is placed in the memory of the living"
Marcus Tullius Cicero

Rest in Peace Betty, Wayne, John and Mildred

Friday, March 11, 2016


I know I have been behind in my posting on this blog. So much has been going on in my life that has taken up much of my time and energy. Most of which was my mother who has passed away last week. Betty was (and still is) the most beautiful woman, Mom and friend I have ever known.
She lost her battle to Alzheimers/Dementia disease and has gone on to bigger and better things.
I don't want to take this time to morn her, but celebrate her.
She was a loving wife to my father for 55 years, the best mother anyone could ask for to myself and my brother, and a friend to many.
She lived her life in the hopes that all man kind and animal kind could find happiness and be free of any worries or pain.
Mom always tried to pass these values onto me and others.
I can only hope I live up to her expectations and continue to keep her spirit alive.
She will be forever in my heart looking down on my family and the St. Bernard Family .
Rest in peace mother.
You are the best!!!!!

Sunday, February 7, 2016

A New Year....

I received a reminder that Golfmama has been VERY late in posting on our blog!!
I do apoligize and really have no excuse, except that life just happens.
We have been here tending to the winter duties per usual, and have had the added bonus of a very mild winter that has brought out our dedicted golfers who have not stored the sticks for hibernation.
Many have been out to just say "I golfed in Nov Dec Jan and Feb so far". Myself included, are hoping the trend keeps rolling.  As I sit and post, the phoenix open is In my background noise. I am watching and hearing of up and coming new golfers, and still hearing lefty still making amazing shots, and on the leader board.  In a uncertain world of many things,  golf being one, I take comfort that someone of my age can still excel at this sport and many younger and many older can also.
This sport has helped me have faith in myself, and I take pride and joy in seeing members here enjoy the game and this golf club.          It's super bowl Sunday and we have a few out enjoying the sun in search of a birdie or two before heading for their game day destination for super foods and super libations.  Hope your squares come in and your team is victorious.    How many days till chili open?

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Merry Merry Christmas.....

Here I sit at the club posting on the day before Christmas eve.  This is not such an unusual thing as I am here often this time of year, but in this case today I actually have golf customers to wait on!
Who would have thought......60 plus degrees.  I don't know how Santa is going to get his sleigh off the ground to deliver all his Christmas Joys?!   Maybe I could rent him a golf cart?.... Oy!
Many have taken a break from the Holiday rush today to set out on the links in search of maybe a Christmas miracle hole in one, or just maybe a X-mas Birdie.  Either way smiles are abound, good cheer is flowing and the world seems just a bit brighter this Holiday season.
The lack of snow this season may have some down, but for us golfers the winter so far is a blessing all around.  Take advantage my friends.
I hope you all enjoy this time with family and friends.
Best wishes from your St. Bernard GC family.
We look forward to seeing you in the new year.

Thursday, December 10, 2015

December and it's 60 degrees???

Who would have thought!? Mother nature sure has a strange sense of humor.  We started the year with too much rain, then we go into trying to keep the course alive with no water!?  Poor Jeff and crew have been on a roller coaster ride trying to keep up. I'm sure you will all agree that they stepped up to the plate and made it happen. ROCK and your crew are the best because of you.
While I tell you often, I think I can speak for the membership to say that you are the best!!!
So the Holidays are upon us once again and we are here doing our winter duties to put the course to bed for the winter.   In between some of the members pop in to say hello and spread some holiday cheer.  This is what makes St. Bernard G.C. a family , not just a business.
For this I am truly grateful. We look forward to seeing you not only next year, but maybe this year giving the good forecast .
Talk with you soon
My Prayers are with you all

Monday, November 23, 2015


Hi All,
It's hard to believe we're kicking off the Holiday season. It seems like I was just planning the Chili OPEN .  I have no idea where the year went. I'm here at the club pulling out the Christmas decorations as I do every year so Jeff- Dennis-Dad -Myself and the occasional friend who might stop in for a holiday cocktail and  enjoy.  Even though we enjoy this time of year we are reminded of what is ahead of us.  The long cold winter with no hope of par or birdies dancing in our heads!!!
But don't fret....soon we will be dreaming of eagles and that long awaited hole in one to come!
So we are here preparing for the next year in the hopes of seeing your smiling faces and well wishes.
So here is what I'm grateful for.....
My Husband Michael, my son Michael
My Dad Ron , My Mom Betty
My Jeff who with out I could not have survived!!!
Jeff....what can I are the heart and sole of this club......
Don't forget Jake,,,

Tuesday, November 3, 2015


WOW!! What a great weather day for one of the last events of the season here at "the Dog".
Go figure.  One never knows...and of course the theme of the day was " Deb...why didn't you make it 18 holes?"   Who knew....
So it is what it is.
But we enjoyed the day.
28 of us headed out on the links for a wonderful November day in search of birdies and eagles.
Only a few recorded on the scorecards, but some headed back out for another nine in search of more.
Many brought in a favorite dish to share with the others, and I made many concoctions in an effort to clean out the fridge and freezer.  No shortage of food here....
So we sat, watch and screamed at those players we call a football team in Cleveland.
On this i will  not elaborate any more in an effort to not raise my blood pressure....OY!!!!!

The rest of the week looks fantastic around here.
We have one more Senior open this Wednesday the 4th at Noon.
This was a reschedule from the previous Wednesday due to the remnants of hurricane Patricia.
Seems like I rescheduled a lot of events this year due to several circumstances.
If I have caused and inconvenience I apologize.  Just one of those years.

Hope can sneak away this week and enjoy a great start to November.

Ti Amo.....

Monday, October 12, 2015

Pig Roast.....

Due to technical difficulty on the part of my camera, I will not be able to post the winning teams pictures as I do after each event, and Jeff is not letting me forget it...Oy!!   Every time he walks in he reminds me.....And now he's got Jerry all worked up....Yikes!!  Come on guys....not my fault.
SORRY!!  I know you still love me....
Anyway...We had a great day for golf, and perfect pig roasting weather also.
My Uncle Harry and Tommy worked their usual magic and roasted porky to perfection once again.
Linda and Jody took care of all the rest.  Fresh and Smoked Kielbasa Kraut Potato apple sauce green beans and Linda's famous pumpkin dessert.   After "pigging" out we started the raffle and enjoyed the rest of the day. I think everyone had fun.
Next up is the Clambake this Saturday the 17th.  
Jeff and crew has the course in Excellent condition once again, and the leaves are not falling that fast yet.
This is one of the best times of  the year to get out and enjoy YOUR golf course.
Try to make time to get a round in.
Hope to see you soon.......

Monday, September 21, 2015

Member Guest Day 2015

Despite the weather prediction being not conducive for a round of golf this past Saturday , we managed to get our Member/Guest day in before the clouds opened up and let down some much needed rain for the course.   56 golfers competed for the low twosome scramble.  We partook of a continental breakfast (most of which I made from scratch) Then headed out. Once in we pulled a number for a combined score of another twosome for a foursome score.
 We awarded prizes for low score two and low score four.  Also included were proximity's for long drive and pin shot.  Mr. Bob Schroeder was generous enough to donated the prizes for the mentioned.  Thanks ya!!!
Once prizes were awarded we settled in for food and drink specials and just enjoyed meeting some new potential members. All in all a good day
Gottta run now....Monday night ladies Banquet tonight and Im cookin'...

Look forward to seeing you all for the Pig roast and Clambake

Sunday, August 30, 2015

NFL Bash 2015

Hi all.  Hope things are going well for everyone.  Here at "the dog' we've been rockin'!
We hosted Jeff's 8th annual football bash yesterday and all went beautifully. The weather cooperated, participation was great and the course was in perfect condition.  HUGE kudos to Jeff and crew once again, you are the best!!!  Not only was the course in great condition, it was also adorned with many football themed touches that Jeff has made and collected over the years.  Each year he adds more. From the hand made football tee markers, to the Big Break contest and not to forget the giant goal post we pass through to the clubhouse.  Jeff takes pride in what he does, not only on the course, but in life. For that and many other reasons, I am proud to call him my FRIEND!!   Rock on buddy!
I was mostly in charge of the inside preparations.  I cooked and baked, decorated, and in general got last minute details taken care of.  So once we set out in search of field goals (Birdie) and TD's (eagle) we enjoyed each others company, made a few putts and waited for  Jeffs Daughter and Joshs Girlfriend to finds us with the beer cart. They did a great job!  Thanks girls.
When we were done it was time for awards and then time to tailgate. And we did!!
John Z worked his magic at the Big Grill once again, and we all sat down and enjoyed our steaks, worked on killing the keg (no problem there) and relived that last missed putt that could have won the match.  Oy!  nothing changes.....Thank goodness.
I will try to upload a video of photos from the event soon. (not as easy as it sounds), but rest assurd i'll get it done.

Hope your weekend is going well also.
Hope to see you soon.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Ben Kramer Memorial..

Sorry once again about the hiatus.  Life has kept me jumping and hasn't left me much time for this blog.   I'll try to get back on track.   Anyway,  we hosted our Annual Ben Kramer Memorial this past weekend and the weather couldn't  have been more perfect. The odds of getting two perfect days back to back for this event are usually slim to none.  But Mother nature came through for us this year. This is one of my favorite events of the year.  Mostly because it's two days, and everyone always seems to be in a great mood.  I don't know if its the adrenalin flowing awaiting to play your best round ever or the thought of beating that team that knocked you out last year!!  Yikes.  Plenty of wagering along with the usual banter keeps everyone upbeat.  After grinding out 36 holes in search of birdies and eagles, we counted scores, figured out skins and pari-mutual wagers, then settle in to relive each missed putt, arrant shot over a few libations.
So is this how I spend my weekends....Not a bad life I must say.

But life throws you a curve ball now and again and you need to deal with it.
For those of you who don't know...
Last year we had to place my mother in a facility to battle one of the many unexplainable diseases that many suffer from.  In our case...its Dementia.  I'm not sure what God's plan is,  but I'm trying to figure it out.  As of today we have brought in those angels from hospice to help make her last days more comfortable.  For this I will be truly grateful......

Thanks to all for your thoughts and prayers.
Wishing you and your families health and happiness.
I look forward to seeing you soon.

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Firecracker Open 2015

I hope you all enjoyed celebrating our day of Independence this last Saturday.
The weather was perfect for picnics, backyard parties and of course golf.
We celebrated here at "the dog" with our annual Firecracker open.  We've been hosting this event for over 30 years now, and it's always a blast!  After Mike M. sang the star spangled banner accompanied by Mike V. on the bugle, the usual suspects, along with some new entries set out in search of birdies and eagles. In the end one eagle and three birdies took first place.  Even though my team didn't fare so well, we still had fun! The spirit of the day continued on with a recap of every missed putt and every stray shot.  After each round purchased, each story got bigger and better..  Go figure!
It was now time to head out and play another nine hole scramble.  Six partook in the Bud open tradition. The winners end up paying for the round.  Kinda bass akwords, but that's the deal.
That's how I spend my 4th of July.   How about you? Drop me a line and share your holiday.

I have plenty of outings coming up this month with lots to do...
but I feel like the season is almost over?!
I'm posting august events on the board in the club house....AUGUST!?   Oy!
Jeff and crew have the course in excellent condition once again.  It's been a struggle with all the rain..but they trudged through and got the job done.  You guys rock!  Keep up the good work.'re the BOMB!

The weather forecast looks good for awhile.
Hope you can get out and enjoy.
5-5-5 and prime timers are starting to roll in..
Time for me to get back to work.

Wednesday, June 10, 2015


Hi all,
yet another lag in posting for Golf Mama...Sorry.  As many of you know, much of my time as been consumed helping with family matters.  This has not left me much time to keep up on my blog.
And I must say I miss it!  But with the help of my staff. and you the members I will back on track soon.  If not for my biggest supporter Jeff, (2nd only to my husband) I'm not sure how I would be doing.   Thanks again my are the BEST!
So we hosted our Calcutta on Sunday and managed to dodge rain drops.
We used this format often in the past and it was very popular.
It seemed to be a hit once again, and look forward to playing again.

Next up is the Annual Firecracker Open July 4th.  This event has been a tradition for
over 30 years.  Teams are formed and debated for months prior, then the banter for months after make this event one for the books.
Two person scramble, must have a minimum of 24 handicaps between the two.
Call me for more details and consider joining in the fun.

Thanks all for now....Need to get back to work.
Busy month of June at "the Dog".   Yeah!!!

Monday, May 18, 2015

Skills Challenge

Sorry for the hiatus...too much on my plate with not enough time in one day to digest it all! The indecisive weather has detoured many from hitting the links this early, so in turn I have been covering many shifts.  Despite the threat of rain all day this Saturday we moved forward with our 4th Annual Skills Challenge.  The first 18 holes were all 100 yards or less par 3's.  Some placements were a real challenge.....Jeff!!! and Budman! Yikes!   then the next 9 holes was a regular scramble. Both rounds resulted in ties, and as predetermined, there was a sudden death play off.  These are always a hoot, as everyone grabs a cart and follows the playoff, with plenty of jovial banter.   I even managed to play and made it to the playoff.....but then I choked!!! UGG!!!!  Oh well, at least I made it out.
I'll get my groove back soon. (I hope!).  After we paid out prizes and raffles, we settled in for the usual relive each putt missed and enjoy a few libations.   A normal weekend at "the Dog".
What more can a girl want?!   (don''t answer that!)

Jeff and crew have the course in EXCELLENT shape.
Many and many have made the same comment.  Jeff...take the compliment!!!!! you've earned it!
Now if we can just get more golfers out to appreciate it.
Many storms predicted again for tonight. Oy!
The poor Monday night ladies have been rained out for 6 weeks straight, and tonight might be 7.
Please say it's not so.....
But after tonight we have a quick cool spell.  Not sure if this is good or bad?, but it is what it is.
We are scheduled for a Senior Open this Wed the 20th. I usually make food specials for the Seniors,  so Im thinking givin the forecast, maybe chili-sloopy joes- tacos, and maybe some sort of chicken dish for those not so crazy about beef..?  
We shall see what I can come up with.
On that note....I need to get teams together for the tournament, and start cookin'.
Hope you can get out soon and enjoy YOUR course.
Have a good one........

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

April Showers...

I know they bring May flowers...but enough please! If a tree falls in the woods and no one is there to see it...does it really fall?  As of now, the flowers are here..but only Jeff with his crew and I are able to appreciate the daffodils and tulips.  Oh well,  soon that will change. Though the weather forecast this week is not conducive for golfers, most of the leagues are gearing up to start the 2015 season.
The Monday Night Teezers have started their practice round this month, the Tuesday Tee Timers hosted their kick off luncheon this afternoon, and the Tuesday Mens league starts tonight.
Soon the Casual Tees, Kiwanis and Friday Night Couples will be ready to tee it up and get the season rolling.  Of course the Prime Timers along with the 5-5-5 and the Thursday mid afternoon guys have been out if for only just a few holes to knock off the cob webs that the long cold winter has amassed.
Many of you have commented on what a GREAT job Jeff and his crew have done so far to get your course ready for the season.  Though I have not been out to appreciate it, I'm sure this is true because we are truly blessed with the best crew any course could have.
Jeff, Dennis, Bobby, Don, Tom, Rich..You Rock!! Linda, Therese, are my life line.
From deep in my heart...Thank you for all you do!

So we have hosted a couple of club events so far, now its time to move on to the next.....
Starting with the next senior open. Wednesday the 29th.  Followed by Jake's 5th annul Jamboree. Saturday May 2nd.
Unfortunately Jake's Jamboree has also turned into a memorial. For those of you who did not hear...
our buddy has passed, and is now in the big golf course in heaven where geese and cats are forbidden, squirrels are prevalent to chase up trees, and butterfly's tickle his nose.
Party on my baker will forever be in my heart!

So the Tuesday guys are rolling in..or should I say being blown in with this wind...OY!
Time for me to get to work.
Hope to see you all soon.
Ti Amo.....

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Happy Easter..

Good Morning to all.  Hope you're enjoying this somewhat sunny Easter morning.  I hope your baskets are full of bunny ears and assorted treats, and your holiday feasts are being prepared to be consumed by family and loved ones.
I'm here at the Club trying to clean up after a fun filled Saturday. After yet another delay..oy!  we were able to host our opening gala for the season, our Annual Chili Open. Although we had a bit snow Friday night, but it melted away in time for us to tee off at Noon.
It was a bit windy and cool, but 22 brave souls headed out in search of  pars and birdes,  and along the way maybe snatching a Easter egg or two planted by Jeff and I. The collected eggs were turned in for various rewards, most of which were a libation of some sort.
(go figure!)   Once in the clubhouse Chili was consumed, scores were posted and prizes awarded.  Then the customary banter of how many putts were "just missed" began.  Just another typical Saturday here at "the Dog!". Gotta love it.....
So now the season begins. Time for me to shake off the winter blues and get crackin!  Jeff and his crew were able to get a wee bit of a jump start on the season and have the course in great shape for this early.  Keep up the good work my friend.  You are the best!!!
Our next tournament is scheduled for this up coming weekend... Three club scramble. Hope you can make it.
Well....I need to get back to work here.  I'm not sure where the time went, but I am way behind. I just realized we have our first Senior Open this Wednesday!?  Oy!  I am a slackin'...
Have a good one all!!

Friday, January 30, 2015


Jake blew into our lives in 2007 and has filled us with much joy,
he has left us on Thursday the 29th 2015 and has left us with many fond memories.
Goodbye my best friend.....LOVE YOU!!!

Thursday, January 15, 2015

How many days........

till the chili open?  Not that many, believe it or not. Here it is the second week in January and Jeff and I both can't figure out where the time went. I know that sounds odd, but that's how the minds of golf course workers works.  Never seems to be enough time for everything.  The holidays are a blur in my mind, now its time to start thinking about the links.  In between I would like to concentrate on some football.  OH.......IO! What a treat that was.  Just what Cleveland fans needed, a shot in the arm of some class football players!!  Athletes with courage, conviction and integrity. Pay attention NFL!!
Sundays just aren't the same without a home team to root for....oh well, dare I say next year?! Yikes!!
So I settle for football pools to give me a reason to cheer and fill the void.  In between we deal the cards, wager and exchange friendly banter.  Some louder than others....but still a nice way to spend a winter Sunday afternoon.  
Jeff, Jake and I are still here during the week taking care of what needs took care of (no shortage of that!) Oy!   The latest....the pickup truck/plow. soon as the snow falls it decides to not start.
So as pictured, poor Jeff is out there in 12 degree weather trying to work some magic (that's what the truck needs, a magic wand).  Never a dull moment at "the dog".
Hope the new year has been kind to you all so far.
Think warm thoughts.
Get crack'in on those Chili recipes. How many days?

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Go figure....

Mother nature has bestow upon us hopeful faithful golfers yet another reprieve of the dreaded winter blues. The thought of the predicted long cold winter once again had many us doubtful of hitting the links until spring. I must say the power of suggestion has it merits. As many decided to give in to the negative, many more chose the glass half full suggestion, and so far so good. We still have a long way to go till the Chili Open ..but Jeff, Jake, Myself, Dad, and the crew had decided to say Merry Christmas, see you next week....not see you next year. Today was a perfect example.  Over 30 members chose to take advantage of the 50 degree day and enjoy not only the chance to try out the new Christmas golf toys found under the tree, but spend some time with the family here we call "St. B"! It was a nice day full of holiday cheer, with plenty of leftovers being shared from family recipes year after year. The cookies were passed around, the rounds were totaled, the bets were paid, and in the end many thanks were said.
God bless us all....
See you soon..
Ti Amo!!!

Friday, December 12, 2014

Tis the Season....

The Holidays are upon use once again. Lots to do. Shopping, baking, decorating, planning etc....Oy!
A girls work is never done!  But this time of year seems to bring out the best in most people and I really enjoy it.  Jeff, Jake, Dad and I are here tending to our usual winter duties at "the dog". In between we have put up the tree, hung the stockings with care in hopes that St. Nicholas will soon be there....or maybe a member or two will stop for some holiday fare.  
I've packaged my homemade candy, cookies and assorted goodies, loaded them in the back of the Durango, now I'm ready to make my rounds to friends and family and spread some Christmas cheer!
Count down to Christmas is here. Even though hitting the links feels like its a thing of the past, soon we will be out in search of birdies and pars, and maybe a hole in one at last!
Hope all is well...
Look forward to seeing you soon!

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Chili Closer 2014...

After a postponement or two we finally got the Chili Closer in on Saturday.  18 brave souls headed out to not let the season end.  We just keep hoping for "one more round" ..and so far it has worked.
After playing the old nine at "the dog" we pigged out on Chili some of the members brought in, mac and cheese and Mexican I made (I call it cleaning out the fridge/freezer specials) and some other delights that  Diane S. made. (she's such a big help!)  Thanks girlfriend, YOU ROCK!  We voted on the best dish, and Timmy S. took honors for his winning Chili. (although we suspect the ballot box might have been stuffed?!) Oy!   Good job Tim...keep on cooking! 
After awards were passed out, nine went out for nine more. Yikes...I guess at that point of being cold you might as well keep going?! "one more round"!
After that a few of us hung out and played some cards while Therese cleaned up.  I lost yet again, but I'll try to make it up this afternoon. 
11 of the fivers are out on the links this chilly morning as I sit here and post.  Once their done,  some of us will hang, watch some football and pass around the bicycle Jumbos.
That's Sunday in my small corner of the world.
Hope yours is a great Sunday also.
Hope to see you soon.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Clambake 2014...

Clambakes and cool Autumn weather go hand in hand, but madone this was ridiculous. We hosted our annual Clam/Steak bake this Saturday and it was hindered by weather elements not conducive to the game of golf. Oy!  We played through sun, sleet, rain and bone chilling winds.  But everyone showed and prevailed through. Only at the "the Dog"!!  Afterward we warmed our bones with hot totties and settled in for a evening of good food, football, raffles and jovial camaraderie. 
As usual we relived each missed putt, botched second shot and what might have been.  I swear I need to get in contact with A&E and have our own St. B reality show.  I know it would be a hit!! Yikes!

So... I'm still here with Jake celebrating the Browns win (YES!) while we are hosting a fund raiser for the Girl Scout camp across the street. They have retained the pavilion to host a honey tasting along with a catered affair.  The committee in charge has gone to great lengths to make this a grand event.
Amongst many details they hosted a hay ride with actual horse drawn wagons.  The only problem was when it was time for the ride to end its run.....Old Jake decided the follow the horses up route 303 as they headed back to their destination.  Bad boy Jake! Thank goodness the young lady in charge was there to escort him back unharmed.  Thank you Abby!  A first class event all the way.

So now its time to start thinking about the next to last event at the club.
Pig roast on the 18th of October, followed by the "chili closer" on November 1st.
Hard to believe the season is coming to a close...but all good things must come to an end.
But don't dismay...we're still due an Indian summer.  Plenty of golf left in 2014.
Lots of rounds before some of you head south for warmer destinations and Bermuda greens.
Hope to see you soon.
Have a good evening.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

I'm Back.

Sorry for the crashes coupled with other break downs have left me very lax in posting on the blog.  But things are calming down a bit and I'm here on the porch waiting for the golfers to come in on this beautiful day. This nice stretch of weather has been a pleasant surprise for all.  Looks like it will continue into this week and I'm looking forward to seeing everyone. The view is spectacular with the changing of the leaves.  Hope you can get out and enjoy. 

Still a couple events left on the calendar. Starting with the Clambake this Saturday  the 4th , followed by the Pig Roast Saturday the 18th.  Then the "Chili Closer" on November 1st.
Lets hope for the best on the weather.

We held our 1st Annual Ryder cup on the 13th and it was a huge success. 78 players competed in the event. USA versus Europe. Much like the Ryder Cup this weekend, the Europeans ran away with it.
But it was a good time. We held a Chinese raffle, Silent auction, had hole sponsorships and two $500.00 reverse raffle boards. All put together by a committee to help raise funds for the Club for much needed repairs.  It was nice to see how many members believe in us.  Thanks to all who participated and donated.  Big thanks to the committee.  The Benischs, Knacks, Nordhuass and Schusters. You all Rock!!!

Just a few golfers left on the course, so I'm enjoying the weather and the view from the porch.
Jake is barking at the air once again waiting patiently for Jeff to come back.  He took a  well deserved brief sabbatical and Jake is just lost without him.  Poor guy, he needs his Jeff!!!
So do I for that matter.  It's just not the same without him around. But he shall be back soon, hopefully rested and ready to take on the projects that lay ahead.   Miss ya my friend....see you soon.

That's all I got for now. Time for me to head in and start the clean up for the day. Oy!  I hate cleaning the grill!  Oh well, all in all a good day. Hope to see you soon.

Sunday, August 31, 2014


Sunday morning at the "the Dog"!  The bacon has been cooked, the 555 are out, Therese is vacuuming and I'm about ready to fall asleep. Oy!  We had a long (but excellent) day yesterday.
Jeff's 7th annual NFL bash was a great success!! 52 golfers set out in search of field goals and touchdowns in the hopes of winning the big check at the end of the round.  In the end the Cincinnati Bengals took the top spot followed by the Green Bay Packers taking second and the New Orleans Saints placing third after a 6 hole playoff  against the Washington Red Skin  It's been awhile since we had such a exciting play off.  We had a huge gallery for the entire playoff round and the banter was plentiful.  Yikes!
We started the day with continental breakfast, had dogs on the turn and ended with a tailgate party with steaks and all the fixin's.  Oy..I'm stuffed! 
Once we ate and paid out prizes, we headed out for the "Big Break" contest.  Try to hit a golf ball through a hole the size of a football from 40 yards out and break the glass.....sound easy?  Not really.
Last year we went through 144 shots before anyone succeeded.  This year Ron S. broke it twice with in 6 shots and won the $50.00 prize.  Way to go Ron!   
We still had some beer in the keg, so we sat down and relived each missed putt and each botched shot.
I think a good time was had by all.  Now we start the clean up...again..oy!  It seemed to take us a week to put up all the dΓ©cor in the clubhouse and out on the course.  Jeff is very particular about this, and showed in the end.  His special touch's don't go unnoticed. From the meticulous team logos on the golf carts, to the tee markers cut from wood to resemble footballs. 
Each year gets better and better. You rock my friend!!  Keep up the good work.

Time for me to get back to work. We have a small outing this afternoon and their starting to roll in.  Their scheduled for steaks after golf and John Z is not available today. Oh No!?  Thank goodness the Buffaloians are in town.....Marcs going to cook for me. 

Have great rest of the holiday weekend all. 
Hope to see you soon!

Friday, August 15, 2014

Ben Kramer Memorial

I'm late posting once again, sorry!  So much going on I just can't seem to keep up!
Anyway...we hosted our annual two day event know as the Ben Kramer memorial this past weekend.
All went well, and the weather was perfect for both days. 8 teams competed and the competition was tough.  Lots of great shots where thrown down out there, but it all comes down to putts as we all know. And my team can attest to that....Oy!  Just couldn't get em to drop! Oh well, we had fun!

On to the next event...Jeff's 7th Annual NFL BASH!! August 30th with a 11:00 shotgun start.
Jeff and Jake have been planning and primping for months as usual. Their  like a kid's at
Christmas time.  Always wanting to make each year better than the previous.
And they succeed each year.
You ROCK my friend's!   We're all looking forward to your event.

That's all I got for now...Time to get back to work.
Will be posting again soon.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014


Mother nature once again decided to throw me another curve ball this last weekend.
We were scheduled Saturday for our annual PGA bash, but we were pushed back due to the uncooperative weather. 40 eager golfers were set to head out in search of birdies and eagles, but after a delay many decide the conditions were not conducive for their game. I can't blame them, it's tough to start in the rain. Continue on if it starts yes, but to go out in it is something else.
So the remaining who wanted to play waited while we redrew teams and modified the format.
9 teams of 3 set out and got most of the round in with out getting wet, but it started again just as many of us had just one hole to go.....ugggg.  But we finished and prizes were awarded, libations were consumed along with goodies Golf mama made and fish and chips in paper cones just like across the pond.  The fish and chips was a source of concern for Therese....she told me after that she had a big problem serving food in a newspaper cone!? "What was I thinking" she asked.  I tried to explain that's how they do it, but she just couldn't grasp the concept.  Oy!  She got over it.

We have a couple of outing's coming up this next weekend, along with the Friday night couples Sunday special....Then one of my favorite club events of the year...
The Ben Kramer Memorial August 9th and 10th.  Two days of tough competition on the links and plenty of jovial banter with added side betting.  After the first round on Saturday we sit and relive every missed putt, short shot and lost opportunity. In between many rounds are purchased in the hopes of the other teams over consuming and their Sunday round being a little foggy. Oy! I can't tell you how many times I fell for that one. Yikes! All in all a great weekend. I can't wait.

Jeff and his crew have been overly busy again this year. Many projects were added to their many duties after the storm back in may. But one by one they are knocking them off the list and some how keeping the course in immaculate  shape. I don't know how you do it my friend,  you are the BOMB!
Thank you from the bottom of my heart......

It's time for me to put on my work boots and tackle some weeds that are over due for pulling.
Oh my aching back......
Hope to see you soon.

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Fantastic Fourth!!

What a great stretch of weather we're having.  Just in time for the Holiday weekend.
We hosted our annual Firecracker Open yesterday here at "The DΓΆg" and the day was a great success!  16 teams competed and the competition was tough.  My partner and I started out strong on the front nine (5 under!), but then like a sparkler, we fizzled out on the back. 3 bogies...oops!
"can I say CHOKE?!"  Yikes!  Yep......we were bummed. Oh well, nothing a few Michelob lights won't fix.
In the end team Arko/Cabot took first place, team Kerns/Pniewski took second, and team Spence/Karras rounded up third.   A total of 3 skins were amassed with my arch nemesis Laurie taking two....oy!  Good shooting girlfriend!  Prizes were awarded, kegs were tapped, and we all relived each missed putt and each botched shot.  Sounds like a typical holiday on the porch at
St. Bernard Golf Club.   I couldn't have asked for a better way to spend the day.

We have few projects going on around here (never ends) one of which is improving the pavilion area in the middle of the course. This has been on the list for some time, but now with the help of some volunteer members, we are prepping to make way for what we are calling, for now, "Jakes Dog House".  We are asking  suggestions for the name of the pavilion area.  Some are....Jakes dog pound, the pound at Jake's. 
Check things out as your turning towards 5 or 13. Let us know what you think.
We're looking forward to many events to be held there.
Bridge construction on 6 should be complete next week, and sand trap construction should start after that.   One day at a time....

So that's all I got for now.
Hope you're enjoying your weekend.
Make time for some golf. Or even just  drop in for a libation or two, and say how do?
Look forward to seeing you soon.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Rain, rain go away......

It seems to be shaping up to be "one of those years".  More rain then needed, hot and humid! 
What Spring?!  We went straight from winter to mid summer in a blink of the eye.  Oy!
But, we've managed to get in most outings and club events despite the threatening weather, including Mike Mann's "The Open" this past Saturday.  It spit on us early on around 8am, but then the clouds departed and we ended our 27 hole match in the sunshine.  Yep...27 holes, many were wiped out after, including yours truly....after all, I haven't played 18 holes since last October!  Yikes.
But I was pleasantly surprised to find I still have a swing.  Look out Laurie, my game is back!!
After the rounds were posted and winners were rewarded, we sat on the veranda, killed the keg, finished our lunch and relived the round. 
Sounds like the perfect Saturday to me.....

On to the next event.....I can't believe I'm saying this, on deck is the Firecracker Open!?  
That means it's July????   again...Oy!
This is one of my favorite events at the club.  2 person scramble, pick your own team, minimum handicap of 24 between the two.  Many teams have participated in this event for well over 15 years, and the rivalries run strong and long.  Many side bets will be placed, and jovial banter will run rampant you can bet.  Always a good time.  This is how I celebrate the 4th of July. Not so bad....?

Not much else happening here.  The rain seems to have stopped, so maybe I'll get a few golfers.
If not, I have plenty to do around here. No shortage of projects at "The Dog".
Hope to see you soon.    Have a great week!

K... Glad you finally got rid of that hitch in your get along!!! Rest well my friend.

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Better days ahead....

A nice stretch of weather here for the last couple of weeks have brought the golfers out in search of that perfect round that keeps us coming back. It was a bit slow to start, but I think like us here everyone was cleaning up after a soggy May.  It's been a challenge for Jeff and the crew to keep up on the mowing as well as fixing the damages from the storm on the 12th.
But they have the course in great shape, and will hopefully get our bridges and other issues resolved soon.  Great work guys!!  You are the best!!!
Because of  the storm we had to postpone our Skills Challenge for a couple of weeks. But we got it in and went out to find out how much skill we had!?  I found out that my skills have suffered after a long hard winter....Oy!  Oh well...what's a girl to do?  (take up bowling!) Yikes.
But we had fun anyway.  After golf we will partook of Mango/Peach smoothie specials, along with my homemade Sloppy Joe's,  homemade wings and homemade pizza.  I put a lot of love and effort into making this food, and it makes me happy to see everyone enjoy.  I hope you did.....

I've been back in the kitchen once again preparing for our Member/Guest day tomorrow.
We will hit the links at 9:00 am, scramble around and head in for drafts of Shock Top, homemade calzones, wings and Sloppy Joe's again. Prizes will be awarded and we shall sit back and enjoy the camaraderie of  St. Bernard Golf Club!

So I'm back to the kitchen to finish up the details, and will let you know how it went.
Have a good Saturday all.....Hope to see you soon!